Chapter History

Chapter History


Chapter History


The Abington Ambler (PA) Alumni Chapter (AAA) of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated was chartered on Saturday, October 22, 2005 by eighteen esteemed brothers:

Charles Abney, Spencer T. Bruce, Harold Frye, Chad Glover, Maurice Jenkins, Hillary H. Holloway, Jr., Carl Houston, Alan R. Parker, Sr., Kenneth Pauling, Tracy Pressley, Sr., Alfred B. Quarles, II, Cheyney A. Sparks, Marc Stokes, William Thomas, Damon Walker , Sr., Brian J, Warren, David J. Warren, and Marcus G. Williams III.

The Abington Ambler (PA) Alumni Chapter (AAA) is committed to serving the Eastern Montgomery County communities focused on Cheltenham, Abington, Ambler, and Willow Grove.

The AAA signature programs include Kappa League, Kappa Academy & GuideRight Outreach. Mentoring the youth has become the hallmark of the chapter.

Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc are committed to training for Leadership, Community service, and Achievement in every field of human endeavor.