Chapter History

The Krystalization of AAA

The Krystalization of AAA

The Abington-Ambler Alumni Chapter (AAA) was chartered on Saturday, October 22, 2005. The impetus for the formation of the chapter was not just a question of regional representation but a matter of purpose. The overwhelming purpose being to serve as a bridge: A bridge between tradition and innovation, between the undergraduate and the Alumni, between the vigor and exuberance of youth and that good ol’ Kappa Spirit. As many of our Brothers must cross this bridge post-graduation, it is our goal to serve as an intermediate between the two levels of our fraternity. It was with this purpose in mind that Brothers met on the evening of June 21, 2004 to investigate the need, benefit, and challenges associated with the possible formation of a new Chapter of our Noble Klan in the Montgomery County area of PA.

Though a number of qualifying areas were considered, it was the determination of the committee that since the placement of the chapter would be key to it’s success it should therefore need to be positioned where it could be the most beneficial to the community, to the Brothers residing in the area, and to the Fraternity. It was decided that Cheltenham and Abington, being the second and third most densely populated areas by African Americans , would be the ideal placement for a new chapter. Further Investigation would reveal that areas such as Cresmont, Willow Grove and Rosland had burgeoning African American communities with schools and churches but sparsely any African American Organizations.

A hyphenated name was then suggested that would allow the chapter the flexibility to service a wider area of Montgomery County than initially thought. The decision was made that, for the time being, the proposed chapter would be referred to as Triple A or “AAA”, which would, if chartered, be the Abington-Ambler Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi.

The Kappas of Abington-Ambler

The Kappas of Abington-Ambler

A petition for a charter was submitted to the Northeastern Province in early September of 2004. The petition of nine names was rejected with a note from Northeastern Province Polemarch, to reapply in one year.

Determined to earn their charter, the small group of Kappa Brothers continued meeting, performing community service and reclaiming Brothers under the name “Kappa’s of Abington-Ambler”, even launching their own youth development program, Kappa Akademy.

The application for a charter was resubmitted, this time with the names of 22 Kappa Brothers. The application was accepted and steps were put in place to install the small chapter. The chartering ceremony was held on October 22, 2005, presided over by the Northeastern Province Polemarch Michael Brewington and attended by friends, family, and dignitaries from the Northeastern Province.

AAANupes Grant Presentation

AAA Charter Members being presented a 5K grant by State Representative Josh Shapiro for chapter’s Guide Right program, at AAA Chartering Ceremony.

AAA Chartering Ceremony (Pictured from left to right) Charles Abney, Chad Glover, William Thomas, Dr. Harold Frye, Marc Stokes, Alan Parker, Sr., Carl Houston, Al Quarles, Damon Walker, Marcus Williams III, Dave Warren, Cheyney Sparks, Darnell Barnes, Hillary Holloway Jr., (seated) Maurice Jenkins, Ken Pauling, Brian Warren, Tracy Pressley

The Past Polemarchs of AAA

Ken Pauling

2005 - 2007

Maurice Jenkins

2007 - 2009

David J. Warren, Sr.

2009 - 2011

Tracey Pressley, Sr.

2011 - 2012

James Gleaton

2012 - 2014

Spencer B. Cobbs, Jr.

2014 - 2016

Howard R. Riley, III

2016 - 2018

Alan R. Parker, Jr.


David A. Lopez


AAA Hosts Centennial Northeastern Province Council

81st Province Council Logo

In March of 2011, the Abington-Ambler Alumni Chapter hosted the 81st Northeastern Province Council.  The event was held from March 14 to March 19th, 2011 at the Radisson Hotel in King of Prussia, Pa.  The event kicked off with a Public Meeting featuring a musical selection from recording artist Carol Riddick and a keynote speech from Dr. Marc Lamont Hill. Events included Neo Jam 2011 and The Red Gala featuring the Urban Gorilla Orchestra.  The conference was facilitated by the AAA Province Council Planning Committee and Polemarch Dave Warren.  It. was presided over by Province Polemarch Jimmy McMikle and the officers and dignitaries of the Northeastern Province.